Here's another perfect example of bad executive decision making. I swear I scratch my friggen head every time I see this old prick in those wicked fucking dumb Geico commercials. I mean really, the is definitely a process where some young idiot walks into a board room with his little poster boards and plots out his brilliant idea for a commercial. "We'll have this stupid old asshole standing at the podium in an auditorium, then the little imaginary green cricket will talk some bullshit while the stupid old asshole pushed all these idiotic buttons for no apparent reason & there'll be disco balls & awful niggy music & it will be SO FUNNY EVERYBODY WILL BY GEICO INSURANCE!!!" and all the tired old assholes in the board room say "WOW!! THAT"S FUCKING BRILLIANT!!!" "Geeves, give this man another $10,000 raise!!!" what ignorant assholes wasting money on ignorant asshole ideas...
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Flo from Progressive Insurance
Here's another annoying piece of shit. Flo, the Progressive Insurance nightmare. Those high pitched yips and constant meddling irritate the friggen shit out of me. How the fuck does a board room of exec's all sit around and agree that this washed up old slut is the best choice to represent your company?! Sweet jesus, I am in the wrong fucking business... Isn't Flo the ugly assbitch that shows up in that incredibly stupid Ben Stiller movie where he marries the stupid bitch but doesn't realize she's a stupid bitch until after he's married her?
Flo Progressive Insurance,
Pit Bulls and Parolees
Are you fucking kidding me?! These bullshit reality shows are really scraping the bottom. What utter rubbish... Storage Wars, Auction Kings, Pawn Stars, Pit Boss, 8 Kids, 18 Kids... Really, WHO GIVES A FUCK? This tarnished old worn leather cow hide c*nt Tia really kills me. Have you seen the commercials where Tia is all stresses out because her man is facing life in prison for being a THREE TIME OFFENDER? Fucking good!!! Put him away for life! Come on, really! Who the fuck is Animal Planet or whatever station this is to try and express remorse for a fucking 3 time loser? What about the "raise money for Tia" episode? She says: "It costs $800 a day to run this place, any money raised will go towards that." Fucking Bank of America doesn't cost $800 a day to run a branch... Maybe she doesn't know the difference between day & month. Dumb ugly wrinkled stinking fucking clam
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Pawn Stars
Fucking slime balls. Fat con artists. Dying before your eyes. Pussies. Pieces of shit. Chumlee rules. Do us a favor & murder your family Chum! What worthless wastes of DNA. Redneck inbred idiot assholes. I'll give you $50 for that $5000 civil war sword! How about I slice your humungous head right off your disgusting torso with it instead. Fucking clowns.
dumb fucking idiots,
pawn stars,
Bethenny, Getting Married?
You stupid douche! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!! UGLY VILE SKANK!!! A ha ha ha ha ha!!!
I only pray to god that she does the full 90 days & NOT 12 hours. I also pray to god she gets her ass kicked violently & repeatedly while in jail!!! Please please please god, answer my prayers!!!!
drunk. slut,
filthy whore,
lindsey lohan,
Friday, June 25, 2010
Brazilian Soccer Fans
Futbol is for faggots. Brazilian men are like dainty pathetic little girls who like to kick and scream. They are cowards. My neighborhood is literally a suburb of Brazil now. They are fucking everywhere. Brazilians are incredibly stupid, slow, terribly uneducated, horrible drivers with zero consideration for hygiene. I grit my teeth every time one of them goes flip-flopping down my street. I wish the FIFA & the god damned World Cup would go away forever. They throw these retard festivals every time Brasil wins a fucking soccer game, jamming up traffic, banging drums, blowing those idiotic plastic horns & wearing their repulsive flags as robes & flying them off their little Hondas... I truly wish with all my heart, I pray to God, Allah, Satan, Juan Carlos, anyone, send them all back to the fucking jungle!!! Please Please Please Please... dear god in heaven... strike each & every last one of them dead!!!!
dumb fucking idiots,
flip flops,
girlie girls
Might I refer you to "Blogger Who Don't Blog" or whatever it was titled...
My apologies to my fellow misanthropes. Not lacking ire, just a tad busy, so fuck off.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Louis Gossett Jr
I've always hated this fucking clown. He doesn't even have to open his mouth, you can look at his face & determine instantly that he is an arrogant, anti-white douchebag. He's not a talented actor, he sucks. His roles are incredibly lame, he has zero capabilities or skills. He's very hard to look at without feeling ill. He's like Flavor Flav from a slightly better housing project (sorry Flav, you're light years ahead of this loser). Whatever, Louis Gossett Jr sucks hairy ass.
Jennavecia is a piece of shit. Jennavecia is a foul mouthed filthy whore. Jennavecia announces to a large crowd of oiled up, buff, college fools that she will fuck all of them. Jennavecia claims to have fucked just about everyone. Jennavecia finally got her disgusting, stupid, pathetic, crab overrun self tossed off Tool Academy 3. The whole cast is fairly pathetic, but this ugly bitch takes the urinal cake. Her boyfriend really needs to reconsider what the fuck he is doing, she must suck cock like a champion. The dude would be 110% better off with a toothless, 50-something bar pig. Momma would be far more proud. Jennavecia, I wish you would kill yourself. Whore.
filthy whore,
make me puke,
wicked fucking stupid
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Frodo Baggins is a pussy. So ain't Elijah Wood. If you disagree with me on either one of those statements, then you're a pussy too.
elijah wood,
frodo baggins,
lord of the rings,
I hate cats. Kittens are all cute n' shit, they're sort of fun when they're tiny, but they still piss me off. As soon as those little claws come out & they latch onto my hand & start shredding away with their hind legs, that's when I grind my teeth & start shaking the little head ferociously back & forth. Once a cat is like 3 months old, it's useless. It's just like some women, it doesn't do shit but lay around all day, won't come when you call it etc... Bootsie, Mittens, BooBoo, Moxie, Fluffy, what the fuck?! Cat's suck.
dumb animals,
Lindsey Lohan
I just hate every last little thing about this ugly fucking skank douche bag whore pig piece of shit slut.
This photo makes me want to punch her in the face. Arrggghhh!!! I fucking HATE you Lindsey Lohandjob. I wish you'd fall into the tar pits. Brush your teeth you slug. Was it this bitch that had "fire crotch"? I forget if it was or not, but it seems fitting.
This photo makes me want to punch her in the face. Arrggghhh!!! I fucking HATE you Lindsey Lohandjob. I wish you'd fall into the tar pits. Brush your teeth you slug. Was it this bitch that had "fire crotch"? I forget if it was or not, but it seems fitting.
filthy whore,
lindsey lohan,
piece of shit,
Dexter's Wife
Julie Benz, Rita, Dexter's wife... I never really cared for her on the show, sure, she's pretty, she's not a terribly bad actress... BUT, she does come of as a loose, two-timing, sneaky, self-centered bitch on the show, most of it written into the script, but you can tell there's a lot of herself in the acting. The thing that really got me going on Julie Benz was her role in the newer Rambo flick. Her role sucked, she was incredibly frustrating, and whiny, and in the way, and a pain in the ass. I fucking hate the person who is always falling down when being chased and requiring the other person to stop & pick their lousy asses up to save them. I'd have left this douche to die. Then there's the climactic gun battle / bloodshed at the end where she is terrified immobile, freaking out at the sound of the guns... What an inconvenience this broad was in the movie. Whiny, crying, scared, obnoxious, bothersome, in the way, loud mouthed clam....
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Dexter's Sister
What a TERRIBLE choice to play Debra Morgan, Dexter's sister. Don't even tell me you disagree! She SUCKS!!! The only explanation I can think of is that she's lined up to be killed in an upcoming episode & no one will complain. I thought his wife was a terrible choice! Thank god she's dead! Now, PLEASE get rid of this idiot! What an ugly dude this bitch is...
dear god please off her,
debra morgan,
dexter morgan,
Swahili Names
It's all a game to hijack the English language & turn it into a massive verbal ghetto. The mutilated slang of the oppressed has started finding its way into our schoolbooks & dictionaries. It's acceptable to axe a question, to git me dem thangs over dere, to come-up on some jump-offs. It's a disgrace. The names are increasingly pathetic & retarded. Do you really think the "ladies" in the photo are naming their kids Kesha, Shaniqua, Sequita, Beyonce, Rashawn or Barack? Here's a great place for baby names of you're stuck:
Maury Povich
Maury, Jerry, Morton... it's all the same. No entertainment value what-so-ever. There's one class of people who subscribe to this nonsense and it's the same class of people who actually appear on the show: lowlife, poor, inbred, trailer trash, retard, dumb, foolish, prostitutes, crack heads etc. It's disgusting to see people cheering, stomping their feet and swinging from the trees because someone is or isn't "da baby daddy". What about the kid?! "Daddy almost shit a brick when he found out he was your father" or "it took 5 paternity tests, but we nailed the bastard!"
whodababydaddy? izenodabydaddy! youdababydaddy?
whodababydaddy? izenodabydaddy! youdababydaddy?
maury povich,
trailer trash
Pretty Wicked
I truly hope I'm the only loser out there who has actually watched this show. It can be found on the Oxygen channel if you feel the need to kill some innocent brain cells. A group of skanks, who think they're the cat's ass, live in a warehouse together & work on their "inner beauty". At the end of each episode, the one who shows the least improvement is voted off, or "burned" as they refer to it. What I find amusing about the show is, none of the girls have any reason to feel "beautiful", they are all gross in their individual ways, none of them are actually attractive, none of them have an ounce of class and they are incredibly dumb. It's boring, stupid and painful (along the lines of my repetitious slamming of stupid slut celebrities). They're all identical to the ugliest sluts you or your friends (myself included) have dated over the years. Here's a little more fodder for the fire:
pretty wicked,
wicked fucking stupid
Friday, February 26, 2010
Tara Reid
“I’m sounding worse than Jessica Simpson right now. She’s looking like a rock scientist.” - Tara Reid... It seems as if a vast majority of female celebrities fall into the drunk, slut, talentless, ugly suck-a-cock-or-two hundred-for-a-role category. I just can't come up with any new & exciting ways to belittle these douche bags... It's the same thing over and over (and I apologize for it): whore, drug slut, gross, pathetic, talentless waste of space. Here's the incredibly stupid slut in action:
drug whore,
drunk. slut,
smash her face,
tara reid,
waste of space
Gwen Stefani
This bitch is nothing more than an ugly retard without the speech impediment. I don't know why so many men think she's hot... she's not. She's fucking gross. That song "I'm just a girl" makes me cringe. How fucking gay/stupid do you have to be to think Gwen Stefani is talented? Another one for the ugly rat category. This isn't the best quality video, but, it does capture her getting hit with a bottle while on stage. Too bad it wasn''t a 40oz bottle & too bad they didn't hit her in the big stupid mouth with it...
gwen stefani,
Courtney Love
I really don't think I have to say much here. Every living being on the planet knows this ugly bitch is nothing more than a useless, talentless, groupie, whore, pig, disease ridden dog. I can't believe she's not dead yet, I just hope it happens today or tomorrow. Here's a video to make you puke:
courtney love,
drug whore,
piece of shit,
Avril Lavigne
Spindly little rat. Pointy rodent teeth. A 4' length of strapping with hair. I bet her breath smells awful. I bet her clam is dry & cold. I bet she got picked on in school. I'd like to see Paris Hilton bitch-slap her. She is an incredibly contradictory little puke. Here's a YouTube clip that sums it up:
avril lavigne,
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Earl Bradley
Earl Bradley is the piece of fucking shit pedophile pediatrician from Delaware who skinned up 103 of his child patients. Here is one mother fucker who deserves to have his skull bashed to bits against a steel toilet. I'm sure his days in prison aren't going to be easy, I just hope he doesn't get 10 straight minutes of peace in jail.
Dixie Chicks with Dicks
Fuck the Dixie Chicks, all of their songs, whatever it is they think they represent, their stupid fucking clothes, their semen breath, the little hairs around their assholes, their kids, their oversized browning & stretched nipples, the string dangling from their crotches 25 days a month and especially that ugly pig in the orange sweater. Fuck the Dixie Chicks.
dixie chicks,
fucking retards,
Plymouth County Jail (it's COs & entire organization)
If you've ever been to jail you know the deal. Correctional Officers are worse than cops. Mainly because they can't make the grade to be a cop, they once were a cop but got demoted or fired, they're too fat or stupid (stupider than a cop I should say), or they're afraid. So, they become Correctional Officers. COs typically act a hell of a lot tougher than they actually are because they've got you trapped in jail & can basically fuck up your parole, your earned good time, schooling etc. They are real cock suckers. The women COs are usually loud mouthed butch lesbians who couldn't make the grade to be married (ie: too fat or stupid etc). Yeah, I was in jail, yeah I hate cops, yeah I already know your blase responses... If you like cops or Co's, you suck too.
Tommy Lee
I personally don't care for Motley Crue, ugly men in make-up isn't my cup of tea. Some of the music is ok I guess. But, Tommy Lee is a piece of shit. Skinny, weak & washed up. Tattoos do not make a pussy cool. I'd like to break each & every one of those fingers. Fucking loser.
loser. coward,
washed up
Friday, February 19, 2010
Heidi Strobel & the pathetic desperation of losers
While I'm on the subject of Survivor (I really could go on for weeks picking apart the retards that have wound up on this show), why not touch on Heidi Strobel? Here she is pulling her pants down for peanut butter, this event probably took 10 years off her fathers life. Whats ALMOST as pathetic as her, are the men from this season who couldn't get over how absolutely GORGEOUS she was! C'mon people, she's fucking DISGUSTING!!!! You're only on the show for 5 weeks (if you're very very lucky), I think you can hold off until you can meet some bar slut who would outshine this bitch by miles! I did enjoy watching her & her dumb slut skank ho friend Jenna crying repeatedly.
Heidi Strobel,
suck cock for coconuts,
TV whores, Parvati
I do like the show Survivor (kill me), but I hate filthy whores, so it's a rough go watching the show when they feature ungodly disgusting slut pigs like Parvati (repeatedly for gods sake!). If you've seen her, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Within 24 hours of her 1st season, she had the black guys cock in her ass & at the same time was pulling the prick of every other guy on the island. I hate little twirpy cum sluts like this douche bag.
filthy whore,
mulatto baby,
parvati swallow,
poverty shallow
Aventura - Romeo
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Aventura, consider yourselves fortunate. They are one of thousands of Latin faggot ass "boy bands". The singer, Romeo, makes my blood boil. He is one of those people who think they are the absolute shit. I, however, think he is nothing more than a piece of shit. Recently I happened across a live show on TV by Aventura, during which, Romeo take a few minutes to banter between songs about going down on & having sex with young girls. The crowd had to be 10,000 strong, ALL aged 12 - 15, all young girls... Apparently Romeo enjoys having & talking sex with little girls. I fucking hate skinners, diddlers, rippers & molesters. Here is the poster-boy for people I hate.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Bad, ignorant, careless drivers
I know I'm not alone in my contempt for bad drivers. Road rage shouldn't be discouraged, it should be applauded. If someone gets run off the road or shot because they can't put down the phone & pay attention to the people around them, then, too friggen bad! You can't drive 3 blocks without encountering some clown: cutting you off, changing lanes or turning with no directional, plastering their face with make-up at a green light, pulling out of a side street at the last second, swerving from lane to lane, backing up on the highway to make the exit they missed etc... Brazilians, Asians, old farts & women are the worst offenders, by far... Haven't we all desired a missile release button on the steering wheel?
bad drivers,
dumb fucking idiots,
old people,
Ludacris - How Low Can You Go
This is only one example of the tens-of-thousands utterly retarded, stupid, talentless, re-hashed, unoriginal, rip-off, copy cat, imbecilic, idiotic, awful "songs" created by one of many talentless, stupid, idiotic, awful, copy cat emulators creating "music" these days. I can't comprehend how millions of uneducated, simple, wanna-be fools actually ENJOY this kind of crap and actually BELIEVE it's worthy of anything more than criticism & a good laugh. What a waste of airspace....
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Douchebags of Mardi Gras
There are a few reasons I've never been to Mardi Gras and probably never will:
1. I fucking hate idiots
2. Large crowds of drunken assholes piss me off
3. Old bleach-blond whores showing their sagging / fake tits don't appeal to me
4. If I want to see a ton of homo's, I can drive to Back Bay or Provincetown
5. There's a 95% chance I would wind up arrested for fighting someone
1. I fucking hate idiots
2. Large crowds of drunken assholes piss me off
3. Old bleach-blond whores showing their sagging / fake tits don't appeal to me
4. If I want to see a ton of homo's, I can drive to Back Bay or Provincetown
5. There's a 95% chance I would wind up arrested for fighting someone
drunken clowns,
gay parade,
nola police,
I've never seen the show, will never see the show and have no respect for fan's of the show. My disgust for this pig spawns from news clips that appear here & there. This filthy slut doesn't deserve an ounce of notoriety. "I am famous because I am a fat whore!" How nice... I have to admit, the first time I saw her I was overcome with joy, that was seeing a clip of her getting punched in the face by a dude. I think men who hit women should be beaten down & stabbed, but in this case, he should be awarded.
aids whore,
fat whore,
Vera Farmiga
What an ugly, talentless skank. The Departed (in my opinion) is one of the greatest movies I've ever seen. I am sure I'm not alone in wondering where the fuck this broad came from... She is the one and only piece of the flick that absolutely sucks. I don't know a thing about her, like where she came from, who she's married to or who she blew to get a foot in Hollywood, and I really don't care. She just irritates the shit out of me.
sexual favors,
squash head,
Vera Farmiga
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
My first critic!
"You're an asshole..."
from the lovely Lola
check out her intense Blog @
from the lovely Lola
check out her intense Blog @
Monday, February 1, 2010
Submission from the mysterious "H47"
Big fucking mistake...Traffic around there @ Saturday 2:00 is friggin horrendous.
Getting four kids through a swarm of dopes to our scheduled entrance time sucked.
Big long lines of STUPID looking people (there were kids dressed up in costume. GROAN..) getting all excited about Harry Potter Shit...God it was awful. Years ago they made a movie and all the set props and costumes got stuffed in a warehouse on the back lot when it was done. Now they put them out on display, add effects lighting, some cheesy sounds and charge a premium to walk through a maze and gaggle over the crap. Add a couple of schlepers with English accents guiding you through and you've got a friggin exhibet... What was worst was seeing mature men stooping, reading the placards as if there was something intresting or historical there. ITS A FUCKING GOWN USED IN A CHILDRENS MOVIE!!!!!! Move on you friggin twit!!!!! I felt like grabbing someone by the neck and SQUEEEEEEEZZZZZING!!!!!!
THen came the gift shop.......THE last gasp, a final effort to suck the last nickle out of a fat, pimply, fan base that seems to have a very big void in their life. They seem content throwing money down a shithole....words are too small to describe my contempt.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
50 cent
What a fucking ape this clown is. He actually believes he "runs" NYC. I wonder what the mafia would think of that. "I'za window washer" is my favorite fitty cen song. How in the world can someone shoot this guy 9 times & fail?! Doesn't say much for the skills of the people with the guns. Here's an absolutely marvelous video of G-Unit getting run out of town like the trash they are.
G Unit run off stage
G Unit run off stage
fucking joke,
piece of shit,
Amy Winehouse
"The Doctor added up my T-Cells, he said: 'Low, low, low...' "
Look at the photo, get the idea... It's really too bad that a few of her songs are actually good. But, she is a disgrace. Here she is stumbling around wasted, fucking up the song and displaying her sagging soiled panties to a paying crowd. Stinking clam.
Amy Winehouse St Lucia 2009
Look at the photo, get the idea... It's really too bad that a few of her songs are actually good. But, she is a disgrace. Here she is stumbling around wasted, fucking up the song and displaying her sagging soiled panties to a paying crowd. Stinking clam.
Amy Winehouse St Lucia 2009
Ashlee Simpson
Talentless, ugly & stupid. The hat trick for stardom. I tingled with joy watching her display her gross ineptitude at the Orange Bowl half time show. The whole SNL live fiasco was wonderful! Yes, I hate you Ashlee Simpson! If I was your sister, I'd smash your teeth out. Check out Ashlee being a fucking fool here:
Ashlee Simpson Orange Bowl
Ashlee Simpson SNK Lip Sync Mess
Ashlee Simpson Orange Bowl
Ashlee Simpson SNK Lip Sync Mess
Mary Murphy
So You Think You Can Dance has got to be ONE of the most idiotic shows I have ever seen. Garbage! This Mary Murphy makes me grind my teeth. Ugly, loud, obnoxious skank. So You Think You Can Piss Off The World should be her next series. Pig...
Bloggers who don't blog
A submission:
From a man who practically drips hate and disdain from every pore of his body, your postings are arriving at a glacial pace. I fucking hate that!!!!
the only excuse i'm willing to accept is "I can't. I'm spending most of my day humping my hot-ass thirty-something year old, Horny, latina wife".
maybe i can do a guest post detailing how friggin pissed I am about bloggers who cant be bothered blogging.
- Aaron, you know I'm only spending a portion of my time humping my hot 30 yr old Latina wife.. I divide the rest of my time between crying, eating candy, looking at myself in the mirror and trying to find a real job. I agree, I need to devote more time to hating things. I'll work on it. Thanks for the input!
From a man who practically drips hate and disdain from every pore of his body, your postings are arriving at a glacial pace. I fucking hate that!!!!
the only excuse i'm willing to accept is "I can't. I'm spending most of my day humping my hot-ass thirty-something year old, Horny, latina wife".
maybe i can do a guest post detailing how friggin pissed I am about bloggers who cant be bothered blogging.
- Aaron, you know I'm only spending a portion of my time humping my hot 30 yr old Latina wife.. I divide the rest of my time between crying, eating candy, looking at myself in the mirror and trying to find a real job. I agree, I need to devote more time to hating things. I'll work on it. Thanks for the input!
Friday, January 15, 2010
boston craigslist > for sale / wanted > free stuff
I love the "Free Stuff" section on Craigslist. Some people are truly retarded. "Digital Camera FREE!!!" then you read the description: "camera only, no charger, lens cracked, camera does not work, but if you're handy maybe you can fix it! Can't go wrong for the price!!!" Jesus Christ! Throw it in the fucking trash you fool! Nobody wants your broken shit! It takes far more energy to post the god damned thing than it does to throw it in the trash bin. I love the way they capitalize "FREE!!" all the time, like they're doing the whole friggen world a favor. Another one I love is "Curbside...", what are you thinking asshole? If you're going to put it out on the road, DON'T BOTHER POSTING IT!!! If it's worth one cent, someone's going to throw it in their back seat regardless of what it is! I once placed a bogus ad titled "Curbside, Free Bag of Gold" and I got 7 responses in the first 5 minutes (until someone "flagged" it), "is it still there?" "how much gold is in it?" "is it jewelry?" "can you hold it for me?" people can be such twits....
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Stephen Baldwin

What a talentless, egotistic, stupid loser. Ugly cock sucker fag. I'll give him credit for his role as Barney Rubble, it wasn't much of a challenge for him.

Check out your neighbors here (for Massachusetts):
Words can't describe the contempt I have for these skinners...
death penalty,
kill yourself,
2008 Election
It was like choosing between Corky & the Rain Man. There's no good option.
I chose the lesser of two evils (and lost).
Sarah Palin

The Queen of Stupid. There's really not much more I can say that she hasn't already proven on her own. I thought Kerry / Bush was a grueling decision!
wicked fucking stupid
The Kardashians

Apparently more appealing than Diddy, fried chicken, chitterlings, welfare & collard greens all rolled up into one! All I see is a group of animals. Cock in the ass, ass to mouth, cum swapping whores. There, I said it! It's amazing what lows people will stoop to for a dollar in the thong.
Heidi Klum & Seal

Ever hear the story of how they "fell in love"? It's fucking disgusting & she is a vile filthy clam. Fit for the ovens...

"sagging" is the new term for wearing your pants around your ass. It's fucking gross, stupid & adored by the sub-par. Sagging was developed in prison to identify the homo's. If your pants were "sagging" you were looking to be fucked in the ass by another man. DELICIOUS! If it's meant to be a statement, why doesn't some ape take it a step further & just wear his filthy underwear on his head? I bet anything that if one of them starts the trend, it'll just be a matter of time until Downtown Crossing & Brockton are teeming with people wearing yellowing boxers on their q-tips.
foul odor,
fried chicken,
los angeles,
Puerto Ricans, New York & the Yankees

Why do ALL Puerto Ricans insist on being from New York? Every one I have ever met (which is alot, unfortunately) say they're from New York... I once dated a PR (mix actually) who lived in Massachusetts her whole life, with the exception of 6 months when she was a kid and lived in some suburb of NY like Winston or some shit, but whenever she struck up conversation with any non-white, she was from New York. Fucking ridiculous. All PRs love the Yankees too... is it a requirement for a ticket to board the boat? New York is a filthy shithole. I suppose it's heaven compared to Ponce.... Jesus Christo. Maybe the PRs would like to trade? Clear out PR, send them all to NY & move all the NYers to PR. I suppose it wouldn't make a noticeable difference...
go home,
no originality,

I suppose I should admit that they are an alright team, but being from Boston, I am obligated to hate them, and I do. YANKEES SUCK!!!!
boy butter,
dickrick eater,
gay rod,
puerto ricans
Rap Stars

The economy isn't in recession! There are millions of positions available for Rap Stars!!! Every wig & jig on the street now considers themselves a Rap Star! What a great way to earn money, it requires absolutely no talent, no musical background or knowledge, no use of soap or deodorant, or toothpaste, or even teeth for that matter! The music coming out of the Hip Hop world these days is a joke. It's all the old music that people actually used their brains to create, sped up - slowed down & recycled into "songs". Ima gits me a gig at da nex awads sho, UH, UH, YEEEEAAAH, UH, UH.... Rap & Hip Hop suck!! (I do like a little old Beastie Boys & (kill me for saying it) Public Enemy (from waaaay back, na'mean, nowatimsayin, y'all hear me n ssit!))

I really get a kick out of "Hustlers" or "Hustlas". Why do so many black people think that selling crack, smoking crack & robbing people is "Hustling"? Not exactly how I'd define it. I've seen countless homeless people around Boston spending hours on street corners selling flowers (which were probably stolen to begin with) at major intersections. That is a bit more realistic when it comes to Hustling. Actually putting some effort into earning that dollar. A safe bet is that these corner clowns probably have a nicer car than most of us, but whatever... Selling crack ain't hustling boy.
body odor,
gotta dime?,
los angeles,
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