Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dexter's Sister

What a TERRIBLE choice to play Debra Morgan, Dexter's sister. Don't even tell me you disagree! She SUCKS!!! The only explanation I can think of is that she's lined up to be killed in an upcoming episode & no one will complain. I thought his wife was a terrible choice! Thank god she's dead! Now, PLEASE get rid of this idiot! What an ugly dude this bitch is... 


  1. Truer words, never spoken.

    It also irks me that she sounds so stupid and immature in interviews. And to make matters worse, she comes across as a grade A bitch around other women. Watch any of her interactions with the sweet Julie Benz.

    I thought Rita was annoying and didn't care when she died. But at least the actress playing her seems nice.

    I can't shake the feeling that JC was a big part of reason why Rita was written off. karma's a birch because her husband ended up dumbing her ass for the chick.

  2. It's bad enough she's ugly, but they write the show so everybody treats her like she's hot (like Anna Paquin in True Blood). Then you throw in her incredibly annoying personality and complete lack of acting skills; it makes you hope she's killed at the end of every episode. The British bitch in Season 2 was pretty awful too...

  3. Annoying in every possible way. The one reason I haven't followed the show after I bought season one on DVD. God, she's awful. Always looks and acts so dumb, that mouth hanging stupidly open. And the writing on the show tries to force us to believe she's semi smart or is capable of ingenuity at moments. How in hell did that actress get that part! Blows my mind that Michael C Hall actually married this chick in real life. Seriously, man, what were you thinking?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Although a late viewer to Showtime, Dexter series. Good show but the the sister's mouth is horrible. Along with her face, ugly words from a talentless actress.

  6. I'd drag my nuts into 10 miles of broken glass to NOT hear Dexter's sister fart in a walkie-talkie


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