It must be nice getting paid to be a dumb slut. I feel bad for her father.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
50 cent
What a fucking ape this clown is. He actually believes he "runs" NYC. I wonder what the mafia would think of that. "I'za window washer" is my favorite fitty cen song. How in the world can someone shoot this guy 9 times & fail?! Doesn't say much for the skills of the people with the guns. Here's an absolutely marvelous video of G-Unit getting run out of town like the trash they are.
G Unit run off stage
G Unit run off stage
fucking joke,
piece of shit,
Amy Winehouse
"The Doctor added up my T-Cells, he said: 'Low, low, low...' "
Look at the photo, get the idea... It's really too bad that a few of her songs are actually good. But, she is a disgrace. Here she is stumbling around wasted, fucking up the song and displaying her sagging soiled panties to a paying crowd. Stinking clam.
Amy Winehouse St Lucia 2009
Look at the photo, get the idea... It's really too bad that a few of her songs are actually good. But, she is a disgrace. Here she is stumbling around wasted, fucking up the song and displaying her sagging soiled panties to a paying crowd. Stinking clam.
Amy Winehouse St Lucia 2009
Ashlee Simpson
Talentless, ugly & stupid. The hat trick for stardom. I tingled with joy watching her display her gross ineptitude at the Orange Bowl half time show. The whole SNL live fiasco was wonderful! Yes, I hate you Ashlee Simpson! If I was your sister, I'd smash your teeth out. Check out Ashlee being a fucking fool here:
Ashlee Simpson Orange Bowl
Ashlee Simpson SNK Lip Sync Mess
Ashlee Simpson Orange Bowl
Ashlee Simpson SNK Lip Sync Mess
Mary Murphy
So You Think You Can Dance has got to be ONE of the most idiotic shows I have ever seen. Garbage! This Mary Murphy makes me grind my teeth. Ugly, loud, obnoxious skank. So You Think You Can Piss Off The World should be her next series. Pig...
Bloggers who don't blog
A submission:
From a man who practically drips hate and disdain from every pore of his body, your postings are arriving at a glacial pace. I fucking hate that!!!!
the only excuse i'm willing to accept is "I can't. I'm spending most of my day humping my hot-ass thirty-something year old, Horny, latina wife".
maybe i can do a guest post detailing how friggin pissed I am about bloggers who cant be bothered blogging.
- Aaron, you know I'm only spending a portion of my time humping my hot 30 yr old Latina wife.. I divide the rest of my time between crying, eating candy, looking at myself in the mirror and trying to find a real job. I agree, I need to devote more time to hating things. I'll work on it. Thanks for the input!
From a man who practically drips hate and disdain from every pore of his body, your postings are arriving at a glacial pace. I fucking hate that!!!!
the only excuse i'm willing to accept is "I can't. I'm spending most of my day humping my hot-ass thirty-something year old, Horny, latina wife".
maybe i can do a guest post detailing how friggin pissed I am about bloggers who cant be bothered blogging.
- Aaron, you know I'm only spending a portion of my time humping my hot 30 yr old Latina wife.. I divide the rest of my time between crying, eating candy, looking at myself in the mirror and trying to find a real job. I agree, I need to devote more time to hating things. I'll work on it. Thanks for the input!
Friday, January 15, 2010
boston craigslist > for sale / wanted > free stuff
I love the "Free Stuff" section on Craigslist. Some people are truly retarded. "Digital Camera FREE!!!" then you read the description: "camera only, no charger, lens cracked, camera does not work, but if you're handy maybe you can fix it! Can't go wrong for the price!!!" Jesus Christ! Throw it in the fucking trash you fool! Nobody wants your broken shit! It takes far more energy to post the god damned thing than it does to throw it in the trash bin. I love the way they capitalize "FREE!!" all the time, like they're doing the whole friggen world a favor. Another one I love is "Curbside...", what are you thinking asshole? If you're going to put it out on the road, DON'T BOTHER POSTING IT!!! If it's worth one cent, someone's going to throw it in their back seat regardless of what it is! I once placed a bogus ad titled "Curbside, Free Bag of Gold" and I got 7 responses in the first 5 minutes (until someone "flagged" it), "is it still there?" "how much gold is in it?" "is it jewelry?" "can you hold it for me?" people can be such twits....
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Stephen Baldwin

What a talentless, egotistic, stupid loser. Ugly cock sucker fag. I'll give him credit for his role as Barney Rubble, it wasn't much of a challenge for him.

Check out your neighbors here (for Massachusetts):
Words can't describe the contempt I have for these skinners...
death penalty,
kill yourself,
2008 Election
It was like choosing between Corky & the Rain Man. There's no good option.
I chose the lesser of two evils (and lost).
Sarah Palin

The Queen of Stupid. There's really not much more I can say that she hasn't already proven on her own. I thought Kerry / Bush was a grueling decision!
wicked fucking stupid
The Kardashians

Apparently more appealing than Diddy, fried chicken, chitterlings, welfare & collard greens all rolled up into one! All I see is a group of animals. Cock in the ass, ass to mouth, cum swapping whores. There, I said it! It's amazing what lows people will stoop to for a dollar in the thong.
Heidi Klum & Seal

Ever hear the story of how they "fell in love"? It's fucking disgusting & she is a vile filthy clam. Fit for the ovens...

"sagging" is the new term for wearing your pants around your ass. It's fucking gross, stupid & adored by the sub-par. Sagging was developed in prison to identify the homo's. If your pants were "sagging" you were looking to be fucked in the ass by another man. DELICIOUS! If it's meant to be a statement, why doesn't some ape take it a step further & just wear his filthy underwear on his head? I bet anything that if one of them starts the trend, it'll just be a matter of time until Downtown Crossing & Brockton are teeming with people wearing yellowing boxers on their q-tips.
foul odor,
fried chicken,
los angeles,
Puerto Ricans, New York & the Yankees

Why do ALL Puerto Ricans insist on being from New York? Every one I have ever met (which is alot, unfortunately) say they're from New York... I once dated a PR (mix actually) who lived in Massachusetts her whole life, with the exception of 6 months when she was a kid and lived in some suburb of NY like Winston or some shit, but whenever she struck up conversation with any non-white, she was from New York. Fucking ridiculous. All PRs love the Yankees too... is it a requirement for a ticket to board the boat? New York is a filthy shithole. I suppose it's heaven compared to Ponce.... Jesus Christo. Maybe the PRs would like to trade? Clear out PR, send them all to NY & move all the NYers to PR. I suppose it wouldn't make a noticeable difference...
go home,
no originality,

I suppose I should admit that they are an alright team, but being from Boston, I am obligated to hate them, and I do. YANKEES SUCK!!!!
boy butter,
dickrick eater,
gay rod,
puerto ricans
Rap Stars

The economy isn't in recession! There are millions of positions available for Rap Stars!!! Every wig & jig on the street now considers themselves a Rap Star! What a great way to earn money, it requires absolutely no talent, no musical background or knowledge, no use of soap or deodorant, or toothpaste, or even teeth for that matter! The music coming out of the Hip Hop world these days is a joke. It's all the old music that people actually used their brains to create, sped up - slowed down & recycled into "songs". Ima gits me a gig at da nex awads sho, UH, UH, YEEEEAAAH, UH, UH.... Rap & Hip Hop suck!! (I do like a little old Beastie Boys & (kill me for saying it) Public Enemy (from waaaay back, na'mean, nowatimsayin, y'all hear me n ssit!))

I really get a kick out of "Hustlers" or "Hustlas". Why do so many black people think that selling crack, smoking crack & robbing people is "Hustling"? Not exactly how I'd define it. I've seen countless homeless people around Boston spending hours on street corners selling flowers (which were probably stolen to begin with) at major intersections. That is a bit more realistic when it comes to Hustling. Actually putting some effort into earning that dollar. A safe bet is that these corner clowns probably have a nicer car than most of us, but whatever... Selling crack ain't hustling boy.
body odor,
gotta dime?,
los angeles,
Dumb Sluts Club

Sometimes I find something on TV that is so utterly infuriating that I can't take my eyes off it. That must be what the Oxygen Channel had in mind with this show. There isn't one iota of intellectual value to this show. It is a parade of the most rancid, disgusting, vile whores I have ever seen (on TV). If you haven't seen it, you must check it out for the pure hatred it instills. I spent every second I watched this show seething with anger & disgust. The plot is: a bunch of hideous whores leave the projects, live together in a sweet house & talk about sucking some dink, acting tough & thinking anyone in the world actually gives a shit about them. I can't wait for the episode when aids gets introduced to Natalie, crabs infest the laundry room & one of them gets shot. Each & every one of them are filthy skanks.
People Who Wear Stupid Hats

There is something extremely irritating about people who wear stupid hats & think they look good. I personally think hats are fucking stupid (with the exception of baseball hats, which I have to admit, I do wear when I don't feel like showering before I go out - call me a hypocrite... who gives a shit). I would like to slap every one of these people across the back of the head & kick their hats into the nearest mud puddle or pile of horse / dog / bird / people crap. Stupid hats make me mad.
stupid hats,
stupid people
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Rosie O'Donnell

Rosie O'Donnell... dear god... maybe the most unappealing, hideous, grotesque, fat, loud mouthed, make me want to puke & gouge out my eyes beings I've ever seen. I grind my teeth just looking at her photos. HOW did it ever become so POPULAR?! What is WRONG with people???? Oh christ, what a cow. Satana...
fat whore,
feces face,
kill me,
oh my god,
I can smell the stink from here

Can't figure out the fascination with this beast. Can't really say I've actually heard any of her songs, but, when you put yourself out there as a "diva" with a massively over inflated ego, you must be prepared for the criticism... Just another person I dislike for no reason other than I find her disgusting, gross & most likely smelling like shit
beyonce knowles,
butthole surfers,
def jam,
free ipod,
gg allin,
jay z,
jenna jameson,
The Beginning
I once had a rather successful "doil's house of hate" which was piggy-backed off of the old page (now defunct). The response was great and it showed me that people truly do enjoy sharing their dislike for people, places & events. I decided to renew the page & hope people will gravitate to it. It is not intended to provoke hostility towards such people, places or things It is meant as an outlet for frustration and a place to find humor in the ridiculous. With that being said, I will now embark on the road of contempt, distaste and call out of all things pathetic.
butthole surfers,
gg allin,
mc trachiotomy,
wicked fucking cool
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