Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Angie's List - Angie Hicks

What a total SCAM this Angie's List shit is... Angie Hicks is nothing more than some fat old jobless stay-at-home useless cow who pends most of her time laying on the sofa, scratching her ass & eating potato chips while her bank account gets fatter than her because of mindless people funneling their cash to her for useless information. The only people who sign up for this crap are clueless people with weak minds who don't have the energy to lift the cover of the phone book. The only people using Angie's List are idiots who want to ruin other people's businesses. Do you really think people post positive comments about the painter? Or better yet, the Plumber who walked the dog? Utter nonsense... All you're getting is the decrepit old skank bitching about the speckle of paint that she found in the corner after finding the cheapest Brazilian in the state that would paint her parlor for $65.
Don't pay this pig for advice she knows nothing about. You might as well pay me $56 a year for tax advice I can't give or $500 an hour for legal representation I am in no way prepared to provide.


  1. The only person that I have EVER thought about doing violence to--I wouldn't, but I can't use my inside voice when it comes to her. Great post Mr. Doil!
    I imagine that in the sun, she probably smells like a greasy cooking hot-dog with SPF 300.

  2. I think she's hot! I'd do her in a second.

  3. I was once a member for "Angie's List" for professional, sales-related reasons. The site turned out not to be all that useful as any business that consistently performs bad customer service wise is pretty easily spotted and doesn't stay in business long. Little did I know that this bumpkin's, who looks like a smug douche in her own commercials, company would attempt to charge my credit card after my chosen membership period expired. I mean, to me that should patently illegal as that's sort of like a store auto-billing you for croutons the next month because they would just assume you want more even though you made no effort to actually purchase them.

    So yes, she is a pile of cunt and her online site sucks almost as bad as the smug-looking invalided assholes featured in her commercials seemingly dependent on the site for figuring out what they could for free on the internet. Because you know, they already have this thing called the BBB, and Google. Dummies!...

  4. I read a question a user submitted to Angie's List regarding cracking in fresh concrete. Was outraged at the answer. No way those cracks (NOT control joint cracks) should be considered "normal". At that point is when I Google searched for complaints and here I am. I for one will never pay for that crap!

  5. simply putting it, we must boycott her and put her out of business.

  6. She's gotta feed that fat face somehow!

  7. I feel for the homeowners who swear that AL is like the resource for quality. I had a woman throw" i got two bids from other AL a-listers " Its all what you pay.If I send them enough money people would think I walk on water. I declined their constant phone call to be an a-lister and I got a nasty attitude from the "sales rep". which changes every two months. Must be a great job harassing businesses.If you say no they make it like your going to go out of business without them.

  8. Everyone, A point of useful information!!! If you or your business is ever on the negative end of these sites that allow "Defamation Of Character" Because lets be honest.... This is exactly what it is! This is what you do! You contact the site, or the WebMaster, and send them an email. You state that there is a negative comment or any comment from a customer about you! You TELL them to remove it!!! ASAP! They will insist they don't have to remove it!!! Then you tell them YES YOU NEED TO REMOVE THE NEGATIVE INFO.... because we are pending a court case against this customer and until its resolved there can be no comments made..... Simply put.... as long as you have a court case, or legal pending action against any customer making comments no one can post anything about your or your business until the legal proceedings are completed. You can even go as far as telling them there are legal proceedings even if there not! They are bound by law to remove any and all comments from that customer or person, whomever! Remember this the next time any of you are up against it.... This should not be allowed AT ALL. Buyers are liers!

  9. I've just noticed that she seems to have bigger boobs lately in her TV commercials. I couldn't help but wonder if these mindless morons paid for them. One thing she probably COULD recommend is a good breast enhancement doctor.

  10. Angie is hot on TV. Does anyone have any links to her naked (even if photo shopped)?

    1. No, but it looks,on TV, that she has great knockers.

  11. Don't hold back. Say what you really think!

  12. I bet she's taken some mean dumps in her day.

  13. A couple of things:
    1. It's almost 10 years later, and, this AM, virtually every other advert on the Weather Channel and CNBC is for the updated version of this chick's website. Her business model is one where she reads your phone and tells you the time.
    2. She does have big hooters, although she goes out of her way to hide them with her clothes (her bras tuck them under her arms). Part of her problem is that she looks fat because she wears baggy clothes to hide her tits

  14. I do great work and have a family over the years have done 7 bathrooms and 2 kitchens for them. I have had times busy and told them it would be 5-6 months till I could get to their project, they said fine, let us know when you are done and ready to start.
    Checked into this Angie list stuff and seems she is a mini mafia type system” you pay me for good reviews and more pay puts you higher on her recommendation list. Her ethics seems to be for sale, I have tiled over 22 SubWay restaurants and my work is my bond. Never been called back by anyone ever for tile problems. Seems like her theology is basically like these TV commercials you advertise your product and they show it on Tv for all to see, except she only shows her link to YOUR ad which is on her site. The question I would have is, what if someone ask her about my construction services but I am NOT using her services, would she suggest they not use me and go with one of her “ trusted” ( paid) persons on her list !


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