Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Angie's List - Angie Hicks

What a total SCAM this Angie's List shit is... Angie Hicks is nothing more than some fat old jobless stay-at-home useless cow who pends most of her time laying on the sofa, scratching her ass & eating potato chips while her bank account gets fatter than her because of mindless people funneling their cash to her for useless information. The only people who sign up for this crap are clueless people with weak minds who don't have the energy to lift the cover of the phone book. The only people using Angie's List are idiots who want to ruin other people's businesses. Do you really think people post positive comments about the painter? Or better yet, the Plumber who walked the dog? Utter nonsense... All you're getting is the decrepit old skank bitching about the speckle of paint that she found in the corner after finding the cheapest Brazilian in the state that would paint her parlor for $65.
Don't pay this pig for advice she knows nothing about. You might as well pay me $56 a year for tax advice I can't give or $500 an hour for legal representation I am in no way prepared to provide.


The CougarLife.com song has got to be one of the most irritating things I've ever heard. Even worse than 1-877-Kars 4 Kids, the Chicken Dance and the Barney song combined.... The way they try to sex-up the words "wouldn't you like to date a cougar toooooo" make me cringe and wanna f&cking vomit... The funny thing about CougarLife is, you aren't ever, never, ever going to find a "hot cougar" browsing AND PAYING for their service! C'mon, you'll have better luck down at the Lucky Dog Saloon.  I'd bet my life savings that CougarLife is LOADED with middle-aged, smashed & loose, sagging & stretched, single-mother-of-at-least-two-interracial-children-by-at-least-two-fathers-possibly-unknown, who post 15 year old photos of themselves at their absolute best that do not represent themselves remotely in the present. I'd also bet that 95% of the registered "cougars" are AT LEAST 15lbs overweight (minimum). A great place for pathetic men to meet pathetic women.

Check out the President (and proud cougar) of CougarLife.com, Claudia Opdenkelder... do you think for one second that this bitch looks anything like this when she rolls over, quiffs, and breathes hot sloppy semen-onion-cigarette-wine breath on you first thing in the morning?! I F*CKING DOUBT IT!!!! Total bullshit....... whatta whore

Elise Wims - Hell's Kitchen Season 9

Thanks to her Facebook page, and her decision to violate her contract, and her blatant consideration for no one other than herself, we now know that SHE DID NOT WIN. That's right, even though the season isn't finished, and possibly millions of people are wondering, watching and waiting to see what happens, Elise has gone ahead & spread the word that SHE DID NOT WIN... Not like every soul who ever tuned in didn't know already... There's not a snowball's chance in Hell's Kitchen that a loud, obnoxious, rude, inconsiderate, foul, talentless, idiotic skank like Elise Wims would be given the opportunity to head up a beautiful high end restaurant. Talk about clueless and just plain old dumb. I'll tell you one thing though, this season has truly soured my opinion of Chef Gordon Ramsay. I could always get past the arrogance, belittling, foul language, misogynist attitude and volume by reminding myself that, in the end, the person he is trashing is going to be better off in the end. But, after watching Season 9 of Hell's Kitchen and seeing Elise Wims nominated for removal every single episode (I've lost count, but it has to be 6 or 7 times now), yet be allowed to REMAIN on the show while other FAR MORE SUITABLE chef's get sent home, I realized that you can no longer hide the fact that Gordon Ramsay has peeled off the facade... Elise Wims has been kept on solely for the fact that the entire planet hate's her guts. Because people tune in to see the loud, stupid bitch that infuriates us all. When I watch this show now, I know in advance that it's completely staged, phony and a waste of time. Maybe they should move HK over to MTV next to Jersey Shore where it now belongs. You blew it Ramsay. If you'd like to see / hear Elise Wims in action for yourself, she can be found in Pittsburgh PA @ Endura Restaurant. I would rather go to Burger King than support this loser's life. Elise Wims: trashy, loud, useless and the destruction of HK. Hate ya babe!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Chritian Collins - MasterShit - 978-335-1055

Loathsome, diseased-rat-eyed, rock-eating-ground-down-grey-teeth, inbred-john-trailer-trick, laxitive-cut-coke-smoking, propane-baked-bean-cooking, layin-on-the-couch-all-day, jobless-house-wife, punk-ass-4th-grade-intellect-wanna-be-bitch.
Here's the f*cking clown that spent his 16 minutes of fame embarrassing, harassing and putting down some truly nice women who weren't doing anything but trying to showcase their talents & make life better for their families. What kind of punk belittles women to make himself feel better? An insecure bitch, that's who. You can see it in his "wee beedy" little rat eyes & crooked teeth. Every time the camera panned past this pussy punk, I wanted to throw my TV out the f*cking window, or climb into it & pound the snot out of CHRISTIAN COLLINS (chefchristianCcollins@gmail.com) 31 of Gloucester Mass. I friggen HATE punk ass bitches like Christian Collins - MasterChef Season 2. You can read this sloth from a mile away: all mouth and NO action... Likes to talk shit about everybody but can't back it up... Scared to DEATH if you call him out on his cowardice... You can see it all over his face.
He's the kind of jobless fool that I can guarantee will sit around day after day searching Yahoo! for his own name and I'll also bet he'll find this and leave an "anonymous" comment supporting himself, or making threats he has no plan whatsoever of backing up.
You're a pussy Christian Collins (June 10 1979) and I hope these words irritate you forever.